Are you feeling extra emotional? - Yasmin Boland
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Right now we have some very strong emotional energies swirling around as the planet of romance and love, Venus, goes through a rare retrograde cycle.

This is the reason why so many people are feeling their feelings SO strongly right now. It’s also why so many people are looking back over their loves and wondering if they made the right choices.
Venus retrograde is when exes come out of the closet and we all get a chance to really think about what really matters to us.

So if you’re one of the millions of people re-evaluating EVERYTHING as we slowly begin to emerge from this pandemic lock-down, thank Venus retrograde.

Venus retrograde is ALL about re-evaluating.

Decided you want more freedom? That you love your partner more (or less!) than you thought? That actually work wasn’t that bad after all?

Now you’re going to want to make changes based on your findings.

If you’re not living in accordance with what you really value, it’s a time to pivot and change your way of life…

Venus retrograde is SO the time to do that pivot.

And speaking of Venus retrograde, I promised some time ago to create a free Venus retrograde course – it’s now online here.

I touch on all these topics in three short videos which could start to move you in a new best direction.

>>> The course is especially geared towards relationships. After all, Venus is the planet of relating.

Being conscious of the energies is the first step to actually working with them.

Check out the free course here!

Speak soon!


PS The link again is here.

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