Scorpio Daily Horoscope – April 15 2020 - Yasmin Boland
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The Sun is smashing into the lucky, over the top planet Jupiter today. Here’s what that means for you!
The good news for you is that Jupiter is in your 3rd House which is the part of your chart which deals with the way you think and express yourself. It will make it easier for you to think positively – and you really shouldn’t underestimate the power of positive thinking! However it can make you open to amazing BIG ideas which tip into arrogant thinking and even speaking and then you undo all the good you have done! Just be careful not if you start to love the sound of your voice too much today!

Are you Cancerian Rising?…

Are you Cancerian Rising? I’m holding a one-off webinar (the last of its kind!) answering some of your most burning questions about your personal astrology chart. Click here!

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