Capricorn Daily Horoscope – March 16 2020 - Yasmin Boland
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With Mercury retrograde over…

With Mercury retrograde over and Mercury changing signs as it moves forwards again, it’s time to tap into the power in the air, as craziness swirls around the world. Taking a spiritual attitude to what’s happening now is the best option. Try to see the positive. Are you pulling together with your neighbours, looking after elderly people who need it, spending more quality time with your family – as they say movie nights at home aren’t cancelled, finally reading or even writing that book you’ve had on your mind for a long time isn’t cancelled, meditating isn’t cancelled. As Mercury moves into the spiritual sign of Pisces, live consciously. This is the second time this has happened in the past few weeks so it might sound familiar as it happens again!

Here’s what Mercury into Pisces means for you.

Over the next few weeks, as Mercury cruises your Third House, you can expect to be meeting new people, travelling a bit and even getting to know your neighbours (it’s the ideal time to organise a Street Party). Also, if you’ve been out of touch with your siblings, there should be more opportunities to get together and make up for lost time. This transit of Mercury also bestows you with greater mental agility – if you have a written project or task you’ve been putting off, leap into it now as you’ll find the words come more easily. Overall, communications, conversations, emails, texts and phone calls are going to be taking up a lot of your time and life should flow more smoothly (and quickly) because you’ll find it much easier to talk to anyone and everyone now. Express yourself. This is not the time to be making weighty decision but it’s an excellent time to be gathering information.

The Gemini Rising webinar isn’t cancelled either!

There has rarely been a better time for online learning, right? If you’re Gemini Rising, then this month, you’re in line for something special – a one-hour webinar that will teach you how to make your dreams come true AND help you understand the energies coming at you in the coming 12 months. Click here for info

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