Scorpio Daily Horoscope – January 16 2020 - Yasmin Boland
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There’s a trip into your past ahead. For some, it’ll be thanks to an actual trip which takes you back to somewhere you’ve been before, or seeing someone from your past, but for others it will be a mental (head) trip spurred on by running into and/or reconnecting with someone from your past. Look at the memories which are being stirred up now and see how past events are effecting your life today. If you need to get over something from the past, or reconcile yesterday and today, you will find it easier to do just that – as long as you give yourself the mental time out you need. Look at where you have just been and where you are going. Home and family will occupy your mind more than usual now too. If you’ve drifted further away from your family than you’ve meant to, now is the ideal time to get back in touch.

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