One of the best ways to deal NOW - Yasmin Boland
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Yesterday I read something written by my friend and fellow astrologer, Ra Rishikavi Raghudas, on Facebook.

He wrote that he had woken up thinking about the super-rare Saturn/Pluto alignment which he had yesterday. The phrase he had come up with to summarise it was; pressure (Pluto) to accomplish (Saturn).

Thanks Ra. I truly couldn’t have put it better.

Actually I spent most of yesterday and the day before lying semi-comatose on my sofa, binge-watching my favourite new show Offspring (yes my fellow Aussies, I am super late to the party!)

I could barely move. I have had a massive start to the year, with work and eclipses, and a workshop, and a bad cold and lots of other stuff, including trying to make sense of our new house which we just moved into, Christmas, my mother-in-law over for a while and more.

But wait, there’s more! Because it’s not just about the past couple of weeks since 2020 began, and neither is the Saturn/Pluto alignment we just had and neither is the “pressure to accomplish”.

In fact, this Saturn/Pluto “pressure to accomplish” has been building throughout 2019 as well, maybe even earlier.

No wonder I am tired.

And if you’re tired too? No wonder!

So how to deal now that it’s all done … we won’t get another Saturn/Pluto conjunction for a few decades.

1. Take a break

Give yourself permission to do as I did yesterday and the day before, and relax. I managed to get out last night to some jazz with my family and some friends, and both days my husband managed to convince me to get out for a walk as well. But take it easy.

2. Look back on all that you have achieved

Even if you feel like you haven’t managed to get as far as you would like to (like I just said above, there was been this very intense Saturn/Pluto “pressure to accomplish”!) give yourself a pat on the back for what you HAVE managed. Write down your top 3 accomplishments on a sticky note, if that’s what it takes to make your feel like you have done *something*

3. And now … think about how you can help others with what you have learned

Even if you feel like you’re still only half-way to where you want to be in life, you have got this far, you have learned a ton, and now, as an evolving and conscious person, you can help others. It’s just the best use of your new wisdom. And it will help you go further.

With Saturn/Pluto done and the “pressure to accomplish” abating, a new cycle is starting. (At my workshop that I held Friday night, someone said they’d read that Saturn/Pluto marked the start of the age of Aquarius. Here’s hoping!)

So… a few more tips:

– Don’t drive yourself into the ground.
– Release perfectionism – it’s overrated.
– Do what it takes to have a work/life balance.

And remember to connect to the Divine – and ask for guidance in how you can serve.

Look at where your life has been transformed in a lasting way … and then breathe out.

Let me do some of the work for you…

In terms of working out the energies, please let me help you understand 2020 with my annual PDF kit designed to help you Create, Plan and Predict your life in the year ahead. Click here for more info.

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