Pisces Daily Horoscope – October 05 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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Your Daily Forecast

With a strong celestial influence in your shared resources sector, you’ll be ready to tackle any issues regarding money you share with someone else, or, getting clear about what you own and owe. You might be motivated to pay down lingering debts, focus on a savings plan or have any challenging, yet necessary conversations around shared money. As the Moon grows in light and reaches her dynamic first quarter Moon phase, you’re cosmically supported in taking action about your finances. Your instincts are strong right now, so if something doesn’t feel right, doing further research can help.

Do you need a second chance at something?

Do you need a second chance in love? At work? Anywhere else in your life? Then the famous Mercury retrograde cycle, which is coming up later this month has your back. Wait What? Mercury retrograde has your back? Yes it does! Click here for more information.

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