Aquarius Daily Horoscope – October 05 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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Your Daily Forecast

The Moon pings the most private part of your solar horoscope today, known as the 12th house. Here, some of your deepest feelings and intuitive insights can become stirred. On top of that, Mercury’s recent move into your career zone will prompt deep thoughts about your life direction for the next two months. As the Moon moves into the dynamic first quarter phase, it’s time to take action on your feelings. If there is something, you’re not happy with or need to change, paying close attention to your intuition will give you all the answers you need.

Do you need a second chance at something?

Do you need a second chance in love? At work? Anywhere else in your life? Then the famous Mercury retrograde cycle, which is coming up later this month has your back. Wait What? Mercury retrograde has your back? Yes it does! Click here for more information.

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