Moonchild Daily Horoscope – September 18 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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Saturn direct

The heavy-duty planet Saturn is changing directions now. In one way, it’s a good thing because it means you no longer have to keep going over the same old same old lessons you’ve been learning … on the other hand, it also means there are going to be some new lessons to learn now, as Saturn heads through Capricorn. Are you ready to learn the lessons life is teaching you? Here’s where Saturn is for you in 2019.

Where is Saturn for you?

How’s your love life? Saturn is now in your love zone. Yes, Saturn is the one of the more-difficult-to-deal-with planets, but he teaches lessons and lessons are what helps us to evolve, no? But let’s also be astro-frank. Does your relationship feel turgid, confining, restrictive or controlling? If you can answer yes to any of these, Saturn moving into your opposite sign could easily see that relationship off. If that’s the case, you might be scared to let go of the relationship, even though you know it’s for the best. On the one hand, clinging on won’t help matters, while on the other, it ain’t over til it’s over. But Saturn isn’t just a big demolishing machine.

If your relationship is strong and good, his presence in your solar love zone could be what you need to make a commitment to your beloved, because Saturn is all about doing the distance. He is also responsibilities and now as he goes across the part of your skies which is opposite your Sun, you may feel you are being asked to grow up. Is that a bad thing? Of course, staying young and carefree has its place, but Saturn asks us to at least allow the adult part of us some quality time most days. He sometimes will throw obstacles and hurdles in our way. These come in the form of challenges, self-doubt or fear. For many of you this year, that will be about issues in your love life.

If you feel that there’s not enough love to go around, hang in there. If you’re in a relationship that is being tested, think cooly and logically, but not coldly. What you are creating now could be something enduring and strong. Saturn won’t teach you lessons you don’t need to learn and the problems he causes will highlight flaws that need to be given some attention. He can, and sometimes does, cause people to be a little inhibited though, so guard against that. This is a good time to tap into your drive to succeed, so don’t sequester yourself away more than you need to.

And finally, for a bit of astro-cliché…Saturn in your love zone this year could see some of you falling in love with your boss, lecturer, a policeman/woman, a judge or a historian or someone much older or younger than you. All very Saturnian figures!

Want to learn astrology?

I have a free mini-course for that – it’s online, 3-part and will take you just beyond the basics to give you a taster of learn about the sun, moon and stars, so you can decided if you want to go further. Click here!

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