Leo Daily Horoscope – August 21 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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As you’ve probably heard, Mars has moved into the sign of Virgo for the first time in around two years. That means something different for everyone – here’s what it means for you! Remember to read your Rising Sign if you know it!

Mars in Virgo headlines

What would you think of someone who thought they were super special just because they had a flashy sports car? Exactly. So make sure you don’t become like that now – as Mars moves through your 2nd house, you can start to identify too strongly with What You Have rather than with Who You Are. Take charge of your finances, but don’t let them take charge of you. Be very careful re overspending and impulse buying over the next few weeks. Best advice: Work on your self-esteem. Make a list of your good points and start to appreciate yourself. The good news is that life is about to slow down a little and you’ll have a chance to relax…soon.
PS Get your horoscope chart done for free – just click here!

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