COSMIC COLUMN June 2 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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It’s a week to leave behind all manner of negativity, such as fear, obsessions and dramas.

There’s a New Moon on June 3, in the sign of Gemini. This means we can talk through our fears. It’s one of the best ways of expressing negativity.

If you will forgive me, whenever I think of the word “expressing” I think about “expressing milk”. When I was breast-feeding a decade ago, I dabbled with a bit of expressing (not too much was needed, as I work from home). What a thing! But there you have the ultimate expression of expressing. Getting something inside you expressed into the outside. And that’s what writing does, which is why it’s also called “self-expression”.

So this weekend, express negativity ahead of the Gemini New Moon, which is also all about self-expression.

The New Moon comes on June 3 (tomorrow!) – click here for exact times wherever you are in the world.

So how are you meant to express negativity? Here’s a simple exercise taken from my 2019 Moonology Diary. (It’s now sold our but you can pre-order the 2020 here.)

I’ve been using this technique for many years as a way to throw bad stuff, negative thoughts and general stagnant energy out of my auric field.

If and when you think a fearful thought that you don’t want to manifest, recognize it as fear and then place the fingers of your right hand between your breasts, before throwing your hand away from your body as far as you can with the word ‘Dismiss!’

The idea is not to allow the fear to percolate in your heart where it can turn from a thought-form to reality. We all have negative thoughts, and it’s important to acknowledge them and see them for what they are – fear. And then to dismiss them from our energy field.

If you make one of your New Moon resolutions that you will start to use this technique whenever you have a negative fear-based thought, you will get a ton of what the Universe has to offer you. Recognising a thought as pure fear helps you to see it for what it is and move through it.

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