Why New Moon is THE time to consciously create your life - Yasmin Boland
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3 ways to work with the New Moon

New Moon is THE time to make some wishes, set your intentions and make your commitments to yourself and/or anyone else.

In other words, it’s the time when we start to let the Divine know our plans, as we consciously create our lives.

So why do this at New Moon?

Because It’s when the veil between the worlds is the thinnest.

We are more able to send our wishes out into the Universe. We can sense that we are magical. Can you feel it?

Witches traditionally made their wishes at the New Moon for this very reason. They did that until the patriarchy started to burn them for such antics!

Today, we know you don’t have to be a witch or even believe in witches to work successfully with the New Moon. It’s all about intention after all, and even the least spiritual person ever with, say, an MBA from Harvard Business School, would attest that knowing your plans for yourself is a good thing. It’s a first step.

Magical women and enlightened men know there is more to it than that though.

There is a magic which happens once a month with the two luminaries, the two brightest lights in our sky, the Sun and the Moon are in the same place at the same time, which is what happens when we get the New Moon.

So we might as well tap in!

If you’ve dabbled in manifesting and conscious creating in the past with mixed results, you can almost best that it’s simply a case of not doing your magical work at the right time!

Also FYI, the Goddess in the image at the top of this post is Durga – she is the Goddess to call on at the time of the New Moon as she is all about courage and strength, which is exactly what we all need at the time of the New Moon as we forge our path into the future.

How to tap into the New Moon…

2019 is the year when people are going to start to realise that manifesting is real. Sure it’s hard to believe, but once you start to practise it, it becomes obvious!

3 easy ways to work with the New Moon

1. At its heart, it’s super simple. Think about what you want. Just close your eyes and think about it. See it in your mind’s eye. It might help you to write it down as well. As you write it down, feel it in your heart. Feel delighted at the thought of it manifesting. Feel the feeling of the wish fulfilled, to quote Dr Wayne Dyer and his teacher Neville Goddard. Feel it as real.
2. Click here to get access to the (free) Moon Lite Club where you will find your New worksheet, New Moon wishing guide and more.
3. Sign up to my Facebook page as I will do some magical New Moon work on there to share

Wishing on the New Moon and letting the Universe know what you are want create is a powerful process. It connects you with your Higher Self – the part of you that knows it’s connected to all life everywhere and Divine!

Once you start to see how it all works, your life will start to change in amazing ways. But you have to start somewhere and show yourself how powerful you really are!

Connect with the Moon – it’s free!

The beauty of the New Moon is that She is free and available to everyone all over the world! I’ve created an equally free space on the web where you can access some of the New and Full Moon resources I have created over the years – here in the (free!) Moon Lite Club.

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