Aries Daily Horoscope – May 13 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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A powerful combination…

In the next 24 hours, we get a powerful link between the Sun and Pluto. In other words, it’s time to do something powerful and maybe even dramatic. Or maybe you just want to work on your own inner power. I’m just back from the Happinez Festival in Amsterdam where I was surrounded by 99.99999% women – all amazing. There is a feminine power rising. If you have nothing else you really want to do today, work on in tuning into your own inner feminine power. She is walks through the fire and is purified.

And what it’s about for you…
This is a very important and powerful time for you and your career. Even if you are one of the Aries who has hitherto not thought of herself or himself as overly ambitious. Now is the time to really work out how you want to leave your mark on the world and go for it. Thanks to the Sun/Pluto combo coming, you could find that now is the time to take the first or latest step towards your goals.

May I ask you a favour please?
If you like what I do, I sure would appreciate it if you would take a moment to nominate me in the 2019 annual Soul & Spirit awards. You can enter from anywhere in the world though the prizes are only for people in the UK. It’s here. Thank you!

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