3 ideas for tuning into the New Moon this month - Yasmin Boland
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Balsamic Moon into Aries

1. As Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and we are effectively starting the new lunar cycle, call in the Hindu Elephant God Ganesha on the night of the New Moon. Ganesha is wonderful to work with whenever you’re starting something new. Ask Ganesha to help you to stay on track with your New Moon practise over the coming year – it will change your life!

2. Since Aries is a fire sign, you can honour the New Moon in Aries energies simply by lighting a candle. Aries is also very strongly associated with the colour red, so a red candle will be even better!

3. The New Moon actually takes place at 9.50am on April 5, so do your New Moon wishing after you get home. Write down your top 10 wishes – but really give it some energy. Visualise them one by one and turn your dearest wish into an affirmation.

Want to go deeper with the New Moon?

Get access to my New Moon worksheet when you join the (free) Moon Lite Club!

Aries Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘Today is the first day of the rest of my life!’

2. ‘I take pride in my appearance.’

3. ‘I am brave!’

Essential Oil to use: Angelica

Mantra: Ram. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Solar Plexus, aka Manipura

Angel: Ariel, archangel of divine magic

Goddess: Athena, the warrior goddess and protector

Cosmic Ray: The 1st Ray which is red

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

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