Pisces daily horoscope – March 16 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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Going old school today and drawing you a card… so think of a question and remember that you are reading this for a reason! And here is your card…

Step out of your comfort zone.

There’s a strong feeling when you get this card that it’s time to leave the past behind somehow. If you want to be happy and fulfilled, you need to get going towards doing the thing that scares you (within reason!). This card is all about living your life-purpose, which is possibly what you’ve asked about. It’s urging you to dare to do something different with your life and your direction, to take action. So are you willing to follow through and lead the life you incarnated to live? If you finally find the courage to make the leap, there’s a good chance you’ll come to ask yourself, ‘Why did I wait so long?’
Love oracle cards? You can win a copy of my Moonology oracle cards here.

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