February 2019 astro energy overview - Yasmin Boland
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Information about the month ahead for all the signs

Let’s start with the New and Full Moon dates and times for this month.

The New Moon will take place in the sign of Aquarius on February 5 at 8.03am (Sydney). This will also herald Chinese New Year – and this time around, it’s the Year of the Pig. If you would like to work with the energies, the colours to wear on this day (and which are considered lucky all year) are the ones which represent the Fire element; reds, pinks and oranges.

The Full Moon will take place on February 20 at 2.53am (Sydney) in the sign of Virgo. So on the night of Tuesday, February 19, do some release work. Make a list of anyone who has hurt you, write down what they did, write down what you learned and then burn the paper, ready to move on.

Now let’s talk about Valentine’s Day. Whether you’re single or attached, and, frankly no matter how cynical you might be about the “commercialisation of love”, the day when the world focuses on love is something special.

So what are the stars looking like for Valentine’s Day 2019? Put it this way; the first part of February could bring some very big surprises, thanks to a Mars/Uranus connection would could shock some of us out of our complacency! However if you manage to make it to February 14 with your love life unchanged/still intact, Valentine’s Day 2019 has lots of lovely potential.

For a start we will be in the Waxing Cycle of the Moon. That’s the period between the New and the Full Moon when it’s all about intentions and building and creating. For another, on the day, the Moon will be in the chatty sign of Gemini, which means it’s going to be easier than usual to communicate with the one we love or the one we would love to love!

Moreover, the first major planetary link after February 14 is between Venus, the love planet, and Neptune, the soulmate planet.

Whether you’re single and looking for love or attached, here’s a lovely little 4-day ritual for you to do on February 14 as you take your morning shower, inspired by white witch Francesca De Grandis. Make a point to do it from then and every day until the Venus/Neptune link on February 17. As you take your shower or bath, soap between your breasts and repeat the incantation “I am washing away my blocks to love”. The idea is that you acknowledge that we all have blocks which stop us from loving with all our heart.

And then? Continue to do it every time you think of it. If you’re single, it really will help you to start to think about any beliefs or patterns which are stopping you from opening your heart to someone who will love you back with tender passion! And if you’re attached, it will help break down the barriers that stop you and your partner from being the best couple you can be.

And if you’re less interested in love and more interested in worldly affairs, work and cash, February 16 and 17 are potential high-points of the month for negotiations and agreements (including romantic ones!)

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