This is LITERALLY making magic in my life! - Yasmin Boland
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A question; do you want to make your dreams come true?

Yeah, me too!

One of my dreams is to speak all over the world about working with Moonology.

I use lots of manifesting methods and today I want to tell you about one I stumbled across after a random meeting with a hypnotherapist in Sydney.

She told me about this guy below – Steve G. Jones and so I downloaded one of his meditations. Actually I forgot about it for a few years but at the start of last year, 2018, I found it on my phone and so on the night of a New Moon, I started using it.

I listened to it every night of the waxing cycle that month. And on and on.

My aim in listening was to manifesting my dream of speaking all over the world and running workshops about Moonology.

At the time, I had held just a handful of workshops – all set up by me.

My biggest dream was to talk at a Hay House event, like I Can Do It or Ignite!

So every night in the waxing cycle, I listened to my Steve G. Jones track on my phone before I went to bed and I saw myself running workshops all over the world.

Pretty soon, the opportunities to speak started to roll in. I did one here and one there and I kept on listening to the tape every night as I drifted off to sleep, literally SEEING MYSELF IN MY MIND’S EYE talking to audiences.

And more and more invitations to speak rolled in – though still no Hay House event… until this week!

Good news…

I am excited to say I will be talking at the London Hay House Ignite event on April 17 (tickets are here!) — I went to write to one of my beloved Hay House UK peeps about it all … here’s what was in the email…

Hi Jo,

Thought I would let you know that speaking invitations are starting to come in from around the world!

As you know I spoke in New York a few months ago and was invited to go and speak again around about now – I actually couldn’t make it but I will probably go in October. 

I had a new invitation from a retreat center in Virginia, and also today, one from the Netherlands. (They actually thought that I was in Australia and were prepared to fly me over! They were delighted to hear I am nearby in London!) 

And LA next month. Ignite in April (yay!!!). And MBS in May. Amazing! 

Do you remember I told you that I used to listen to a hypnosis tape every night before I fell asleep, manifesting workshops around the world? Seems like that’s paying off! And at the right time – I feel like I finally really know what I want to say when I get up on a stage and I love it so much! I love connecting with people all over the world and teaching them about the Moon…

Actually I didn’t send the email. I am betting Jo has enough in her inbox!

So I decided to share it with you instead so you can do the exact same thing as me, if you have a dream which you want to take from your imagination into reality!

As Steve G. Jones says: “If you are ready to make big life changes but you don’t have the willpower to do it on your own, this product is exactly what you need. Whether you want to quit smoking, lose weight or have the confidence to go after your dream job, this product will guide you along the way. Hypnosis will draw out your innate strengths and capabilities to help you live a happier, better life.”

So that’s it. My tried and tested and VERY highly recommended tip to boost your manifesting skills. It’s worked magic for me and it can do the same for you!

This affiliate link takes you to a page with information about his 7-module course which literally can change your life – use it! It’s an affiliate link because as long as I am promoting him, why not make it win/win, right?!

Happy hypnotising!

Speak soon,


PS The link again – may all your dreams come true!

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