The Quarter Moon - Yasmin Boland
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Quarter Moon phase – Moon into Scorpio

The New Moon and the Full Moon get all the hype and attention, it’s true, but the Quarter Moon is also interesting. There are two Quarter Moons a month – once is waxing, and occurs in the week between the New Moon and the Full Moon; the other is waning, and in the week between the Full Moon and the New Moon.

So this week, in fact today, we have the waning Quarter Moon.

The Quarter Moon is created when the Moon is at a 90° angle to (aka is ‘squaring’) the Sun. Quarter Moons are provocative. They sometimes create a mini-crisis that in turn prompts action. The annoying thing about the Quarter Moon is that it raises issues that need dealing with. The good thing about the Quarter Moon is that it raises issues that need dealing with! Get it?

Its influence is usually quite fleeting; however, it can give a sort of ‘flavour’ to the day and the week, which you will feel more or less depending on what other action is taking place in the skies and your chart at the time.

As it happens, today is otherwise quite calm. So try to cruise.

– From my book Moonology – two years in the amazon astrology best-seller lists and counting!

Working with the Full Moon will open your heart…

Download a free copy of my Full Moon forgiveness kit here and work with the Full Moon eclipse that’s coming! It’s free!

Scorpio Moon Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I am taken care of materially.’

2. ‘All my financial needs are being met.’

3. ‘My sex life is so wonderfully healthy.’

Essential Oil to use: Myrrh

Mantra: Lam. Chant it out loud or silently!

Chakra: The Sacral chakra, aka Svadhisthana

Angel: Jeremiel, the life reviewer

Goddess: Kali, who liberates us

Heavenly Ray: The 8th ray, which is aquamarine

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

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