COSMIC COLUMN December 9 2018 - Yasmin Boland
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Happy New Moon week!

If you follow me on Facebook or you’ve been to any of my workshops this year, you will know I have been making one repeated statement; the earth is a school of manifestation. We are here to learn how to create our own reality.

I remember the very first time I encountered this idea. A girlfriend came over to visit me, with a book in her hand. That book was Creative Visualisation by Shakti Gawain. It was life-changing to me (and millions of other people). Essentially it espouses the idea that by visualising our dreams, we can make them manifest.

Not long afterwards, I interviewed a trainer from the Australian Institute of Sport who told me that many elite athletes visualise their events beforehand, seeing themselves doing perfectly in record time and so on.

Then I read Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts which essentially espoused the same idea.

All the pieces started really falling into place a few years later when I read New Moon Astrology by Jan Spiller. She talked about making wishes in line with the New Moon, as witches and wizards have done for hundreds of years.

At this point in my life, I have no doubt whatsoever that visualising your desires and feeling the feeling of the wish fulfilled (to quote authors Neville Goddard and Wayne Dyer) helps bring things into manifestation, for better or worse.

For worse? Yes because if you’re constantly worrying about something and focusing on it, you can bring it into being as much as you can manifest something you actually want.

But you have to know what you want. Right now I need to manifest a house in which to live in, I can barely decide which country I want to live in, let alone which specific suburb. My chances of manifesting it are therefore quite low at this point!

This week is New Moon week – the primo time for wish making and intention setting. What are you going to put your energies into? Grab my free New Moon Wishing Guide here<

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