Moon into the last sign of the zodiac… - Yasmin Boland
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Just say Ommmmmmmmmm…

This week and into New Year, a lot of these messages will come direct from my book Moonology …

On a good Pisces Moon Day, life can feel dreamy and romantic. It’s a day when one hour melts into the next and no one seems in too much of a rush for anything. Poetry can be written and read. Meditations go deeper. Soulmates can appear, or unite or reunite. The word ‘soulful’ gets put to good use.

Speaking of the Pisces Moon and deep meditations… I did an amazing Alternatives workshop with William Bloom on the weekend. It was so deep that I had a total meltdown afterwards.

My husband said something and I went ballistic. I know it was all about having stirred up all the STUFF in the workshop. It lead to some very good talks and lots of making up. Highly recommend Mr Bloom if you have the chance.

Want to work with the Moon all year?

I have a ton of great stuff if you want to work with the Moon – from my Hay House Moonology diary (good for Aussie, UK and USA time zones) to my Create, Plan and Predict Your Life kit.

Today’s freebie

We are still in the New Moon phase today so you can still make your wishes! Here’s a free How To PDF.

Pisces Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘It’s okay to say no.’

2. ‘Inner peace is my focus.’

3. I now release my fears.’

Essential Oil to use: Lavender

Mantra: Ah. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Crown (aka Sahasrara)

Angel: Sandalphon, the intercessor

Goddess: Kuan Yin, Goddess of compassion

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

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