COSMIC COLUMN August 5 2018 - Yasmin Boland
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Here comes the eclipse!

This week brings the third and final eclipse of the current “season”. The reason why we call it a season is because eclipses come in pairs – and sometimes in a pair of pairs. This “season” we had the Moonchild New Moon eclipse in early July, the Aquarius Full Moon eclipse in late July and now we have the New Moon in the sign of Leo.

Firstly, let’s break down the New Moon eclipse.

1. It takes place while Mercury is retrograde making it ideal if you have something you want to relaunch as opposed to launch. New Moons are always great for starting anything except if Mercury is retrograding when re-starting is preferable.

2. It takes place just before a lovely Mercury/Venus link which is excellent for communications. If you have an issue you want to talk through (again) regarding love or money, the skies are on your side.

3. Note that straight after the New Moon eclipse, the Moon goes Void of Course. So ideally make your wishes six and a half hours after the New Moon and not before. Visit for the time of the eclipse wherever you are.

When it comes to manifesting

When it comes to manifesting, one of the best things to aim for at this time is for the confidence to strut your stuff. That’s because the New Moon eclipse is in Leo, the sign of the proud Lion. In other words, think about where you need more confidence. How can you work on it? What will it take? Are you willing to do what it takes to feel better about showing off what you have to offer in your personal and professional life?


If you would like to do a ritual for the New Moon, to ground the energies, tap into the fire element, since the eclipse is in the fire sign of Leo. The element of fire is most easily represented by a candle. Different coloured candles have different meanings but in the beginning of your manifesting rituals, the best is to use white or plain bees wax. Light the candle and chant “Ommmm.” Even just this will raise your vibrations!


If you want to work with the eclipse, my Moon Info Sheets have been specifically designed to help you do that. To celebrate the eclipse, you can get them with 20%-30% off here. Wishing you a great New Moon eclipse!

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