Virgo Monthly Horoscope – April 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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Small changes bring healing

Right now the healing planetoid Chiron has moved into your Sex and Money Zone. In other words, you can have healing in one or both of these areas. However it most likely won’t happen all by itself. You need to be pro-active. The first thing is to decide what healing would look like to you in one or more of these areas. Visualise that for a while and see if it feels real. And then surrender it to the Divine. “This or something better now manifests for me…”

What about the Moon…?

We are now in the waning cycle – it just feels like the waxing cycle to me as I am being Uranus-ed! How about you? If you feel like you’re on a roller coaster ride, chances you are too. Want to understand this mayhem better? I asked 12 of the world’s best astrologer for THEIR opinion about this new Uranus cycle – their replies are here.

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