Self-styled physicist Nassim Haramein and manifesting... - Yasmin Boland
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Something is stirring!

For reasons I don’t really understand (but maybe just because I want this!), following hot on the heels of meeting the neuroscientist at a party last weekend and then finding a new book called Mind Magic by a neuroscientist which is all about manifesting, I have also been nudged towards this guy, self-styled physicist Nassim Haramein.

His quote from him below is a transcript of a snippet of this video.

He suggests (talking about manifesting):

“Define… this is where I want to be – this is where I want to go – and when you do that, you can backtrack the information to your present to know what you need to do and who you need to be in your present to have that outcome – to steer the universal probabilities to that outcome …

“If you’re intent and you hold that space strong enough, you will get there because it will change you in your present to make you end up having that experience or something like that …

“It can take time because you’re overriding many different circumstances so you’re actually modifying the universe as a whole by modifying that part – it takes energy and concentration but I totally believe that you can…”

– Nassim Haramein, Swiss born, self-styled physicist…

What is so fascinating for me is not that he believes we can manifest …

I already know that we can! I have tested this for more than 25 years.

What I really like here (today) is this bit (precised) …

Define where you want to be (and) backtrack the information to your present, to know what you need to do to have that outcome

I love that he says this.

Manifesting is not about just closing your eyes and making a wish.

It’s about working out what you want and then taking baby steps towards it.

Some people call it manifesting and some people call it making sh*t happen with a little magical help from the Moon!

The lunar cycle just happens to be the ideal way to do this – it’s a perfect framework which people have used for millennia.

So if you want to own a bright shiny, new, red Mercedes but right now you can only afford a broken bicycle, how you can realistically move from point A (broken bicycle) to point B (bright shiny, new, red Mercedes)?

First you need clarity about what you want (define at the New Moon) and then you need to understand the steps you feasibly feel you could take towards the bright shiny, new, red Mercedes (during the Waxing Cycle) … I talk about this in my book Moonology and it goes like this…

Go from broke => owning a bicycle => owning an inexpensive second-hand car => owning a second-hand Mercedes => to owning a brand-new red Mercedes…

Define where you want to be (and) backtrack the information to your present, to know what you need to do to have that outcome. he says.

It feels like at least self-styled science is finally catching up…?

Up soon on these pages, the thoughts of fully-fledged neuroscientist James R. Doty, M.D., FACS, FICS, FAANS – clinical professor of neurosurgery at Stanford University and founder and director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, an affiliate of the Stanford Neurosciences Institute.

He’s has written a book called Mind Magic: The Neuroscience of Manifestation and How It Changes Everything. His book hasn’t been published yet – I have it on pre-order!

Is this the dawning of the Age of Enlightenment part ii?

AI as it is now wasn’t even an idea for most people 5 years ago. I might be off my trolley but I really think (and have thought for some time) that it’s going to become more and more commonplace for people to talk about manifesting and to work as manifesting and spiritual coaches. I already know intuition-ist the so-called Psychic Of Wall Street, New York Times best-selling author and friend to the stars,  Laura Day, who’s paid vast sums of money by the hour, by Fortune 500 companies and others to predict market trends.

Watch this space!

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