Scorpio daily horoscope – March 16 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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Going old school today and drawing you a card… so think of a question and remember that you are reading this for a reason! And here is your card…


Full Moon Eclipse – and just like that, a door slams shut! If you’ve pulled this card, it suggests that the situation you’re asking is about to reach a peak, or has just done so, and things are now out of your hands. What you’re experiencing now is what your soul signed up for – a way for you to learn and for your soul to evolve. So allow events to unfold and be easy on yourself. If you’re letting go of someone or something, know that it’s the right time, as hard as it might be. Forgiving someone for what they did could be key to resolving this situation in a positive way. It doesn’t make right what they did, but it releases it so you can move on.
Love oracle cards? You can win a copy of my Moonology oracle cards here.

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