Sagittarius monthly horoscope – November 2018 - Yasmin Boland
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Feel like you’ve been marking time for a while? Not anymore. Once you get past the first week of November, Your bounce is bouncing BIG. It’s like been hit over the head with a bucket full of optimism, joie de vivre and exuberance. And even better – it’s going to last you a good while, although you’ll probably calm after the initial shock of feeling so bright is over.
Point is, with your can-do attitude, you’re ready to leave the past behind and can’t be bothered to sweat the small stuff. The only thing to watch is that you may sometimes confuse carefree with careless.

Your family can be full of surprises too, especially mid-month. And they’re likely to demand a lot more attention than usual. Try not to get stroppy with them. Yes, you’ve got this great new life to lead, but they want to be part of it. It isn’t as if you’re short of things to do at home. It’s a good idea to get repairs done, and if you’ve been thinking of moving, it might be a good idea to investigate the possibilities. However, there’s no point in diving head first into a new plan without thinking it through. Take your time – you’ve got plenty of it.

Although your inclination might be to rush at everything, you’ll realise towards the end of the month that a bit of forward planning will make things run much more smoothly – especially when it comes to your domestic life. It’s all about making the most of what you’ve got. And now you’ve realised just how much that is, there’s no space for daydreaming or wasting time. Grab the extra focus you’ve been offered and apply it now. It’ll get you a very, very long way, and with a bit of patience, it’ll get you there in the way you want it to.

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