Moonchild daily horoscope – July 20 2018 - Yasmin Boland
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Your daily Moonscope, with love …

Daily Moon in your 5th House >>> It’s time to shake off any melancholy and get back into society. The Moon is moving through your 5th House, which is the part of your chart where you like to have fun; where you party, holiday, do hobbies and generally have a good time. If you can, schedule in something like going out with friends, or doing something a little raucous. Enjoying yourself should be the order of the day. This is a time to hang out with your kids, too, if you have them. Or with someone else’s kids if you don’t. Kids know how to enjoy themselves in a way that we adults tend to have forgotten. Connecting with little ones who know how to have a good belly laugh is one of the best ways to make the most of the Moon in your 5th House. Ditto doing something creative. Whatever gets your juices flowing will do. It’s also a great Moon for romance, so if there’s someone you love – or who floats your boat – around, connect with them! Take them out, or let them take you out. Feel those lovely feelings

Advance Moon Manifesting …

It’s ideal to set your intentions just after the New Moon but any time in the waxing cycle is a good time to tune into how the New Moon is affecting you – all the info is here

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