Leo Daily Horoscope – September 20 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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This is a super powerful time – the planet Saturn finally has ended its retrograde and is moving forwards again.

More about what this means for you…

If you’ve felt like you’ve been wading from treacle for the past few months, getting now where fast, so to speak, you have thank Saturn retrograde which was going on in your 6th House of Daily Life. Saturn is the heavy planet that drags us towards where we need to be, often kicking and screaming. Now though Saturn is moving forwards again. So more lessons, yes, but also an amazing chance to really structure your life in a way than makes you feel solid and secure.

Astrology is more popular than ever…

Have you noticed? However it’s a big subject and there’s tons of amazing info to learn. If you would like to start, try my free 3-part online mini-course that will take you just a little beyond some of the basics. It’s here.

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