Good things can happen quickly now - Yasmin Boland
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We’ve made it through the toughest astrology of the week!


The Mars-Chiron square has been a challenge, but it’s almost over and I’m ready to start looking ahead to sunnier days. So just a really quick one today to let you know that…

if you have survived the last 24 hours or so then guess what you are through the toughest astrology of the week

…and in fact it’s going to get better from now.


So if you didn’t know we had a slightly gnarly Mars square Chiron.

Mars is the planet of anger and Chiron is the wounded healer. When these planets clash like that it can be a little bit difficult. There can be things said in anger, actions taken in anger and so on. So if you’ve survived you are through the worst that this week has to offer.


Coming up next and influencing us until it happens on the 29th of April we have a Mars harmonious alignment with the planet of chaos Uranus.


That might sound a little bit tricky but actually it’s about good things happening quickly.

So think about what in your life you would like to manifest on the spot immediately and do what you can to make it happen.


Remember we are still in the thick of the eclipse season and I’m going to be holding a Full Moon workshop on May the 5th.

You can get further details here plus download my free ‘Eclipse Essentials’ guide – which is full of tips and practices to help you make the most of this energetic time!  



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