Gemini Daily Horoscope – May 20 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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Your forecast for today…

In the next 24 hours, the Sun moves into the sign of Gemini, followed by Mercury doing the same thing. This means that wherever you have Gemini in your chart, you’re going to have a confluence of energy in the coming weeks.

What the Sun in Gemini shines a light on for you

The Sun moves back into your sign in the coming 24 hours after an absence of 12 months. If you’ve been feeling like you’re coming to the end of your tether, you should start to feel like you’re regaining your grip. You can also expect to get a lot more attention than you’ve had in recent times. How you feel about taking centre stage for a while? People are going to be checking you out, so do all you can to shine! This is your recharge month. If you need to come across as confident, you have the skies totally on your side now, supporting you. Try not to be too self-centred – though it is tempting at this time of the year!

Stay in touch…

Every day or two, I send out 20,000+ Daily Moon Messages to people all over the world. If you would like to stay in touch with the cosmic energies, sign up for one here. They’re free!

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