Gemini Daily Horoscope – 21 August 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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We are about to have the second Full Moon in Aquarius in a row. The reason why this happens is to do with the fact that there are 30 degrees in each sign and the first Full Moon in Aquarius took place at the very start of the sign, and the second one now is taking place at the very end of the sign.

It’s actually called a Blue Moon, although that has absolutely zero significance astrologically-speaking.

What does have significance is that we are getting two chances in a row to let go of something in our lives. Your forecast today explains what that is.

Please read your rising sign if you know it, for a more accurate explanation. If you don’t know it but you would like to find it out for free, please click here.

Where is the Full Moon triggering you and your chart?

The Full Moon brings about tension as the Moon takes the exactly opposite position in the skies to the Sun. The Sun is where our focus has been – for you for the past few weeks, this has been on Your Own Backyard – your neighbourhood, aunts, uncles and sibling, little tasks, quick trips and lots of chats. Now the Full Moon invites you to shift your focus a little and that you step back and look at The Bigger Picture. If life is a cosmic quest, how are you doing? Do what it takes to expand your mind. PS If you’re thinking about taking up some kind of study or starting to travel, you have heavenly support.
Join me for a free Full Moon ceremony here.

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