Free April 2019 stars - Yasmin Boland
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The big news of the month…

April should be a month when we can all start to settle down a bit after a hectic time. If you’re one of the people that’s been on a complete roller coaster of late then chances are you were feeling one or all three of these

– The recent move of Uranus into Taurus
– The intense Full Moon we just had
– The just as or even more intense Mercury retrograde

And this month? Honestly, it looks calmer. So breathe.

Here is a run-down of the major headlines and info about how they affect you (remember to read your Rising Sign if you know it!)

Want to go straight to the forecast for YOUR sign? Click here

The trickier aspects…

I am big one for focusing on the positive but forewarned is forearmed, right? So here are the days which are going to be more challenging for most of us.

April 2 – could be confusing
April 10 – lot of weirdness, bossiness, possible deception – keep your eyes open!
April 12 – easy to say to much
April 13 – power struggles ahoy
April 23 – could go either way
April 27 – a day to take it easy if you can

As you can see, the first part of the month is going to be a bit more up and down than the second half. However overall, it really is fair to say that we are getting some celestial breathing space to process to the past few weeks and months. Use it wisely by developing a daily yoga, meditation and devotional practices. Click here for more details about that in your full-length stars.

What else?

For one thing, we are finally out of Mercury retrograde. Many people wrote to me last month to say how brutal the Mercury retrograde was. And it was! I agree! Normally I wouldn’t use such a word to describe Mercury retrograde but I think that added to the Uranus energies added to the Full Moon, which all took place around the same time, made life intense! So as Mercury now start to move out of the echo phase and resume normal transmission click here for what that means to you.

What about the Moon?

I’m glad you asked! If you’re a magical person and you like to create as much as you can about your life, then the Moon is the celestial sphere to tune into. The Moon’s frequency is what allows us to manifest our dreams. And guess what the Moon is all about in astrology? Our feelings!

If you know anything about manifesting, you will know that we manifest not with our thoughts but our feelings, right? So how are you feeling? The most important thing is to feel all our feelings because otherwise, if we stuff them down, they can turn toxic. And this month offers us the chance to feel our feeling without them going out of control, since the energies are less intense. The 3 practises I mentioned above will also really help to level our your feelings.

Click here for this month’s Moon dates and info.

You also need to know that…

One part of your chart is a real hotspot this month. Why? Because we have the New Moon there and the planet of communications Mercury will be in there and the planet of love and abundance, Venus, will be too.

And this part of your chart is? Wherever you have Aries in your chart. And before you say “But I don’t have Aries in my chart!” well, you actually do. We all have 12 signs in our chart, ruling different parts of our lives. Here is where Aries if for you (remember you read your Rising Sign if you know it – you will get a more accurate reading!) Wherever it is for you is where you can expect d-e-v-e-l-o-p-m-e-n-t-s!

Aries – so Aries is all about you, your whole life, your appearance and how you come across
Taurus – Aries is your 12th House so it’s all about what scares you! And your spiritual life.
Gemini – Aries rules your 11th House, which is all about friends and your social circles.
Moonchild – it’s all about your 10th House – your career and ambitions
Leo – your 9th House which is all about travel, study, teaching, learning and the Cosmic Quest
Virgo – it’s your 8th House so expect matters to do with sex and money to come up
Libra – guess what? it’s your 7th House aka your Love Zone
Scorpio – it’s your 6th House so all to do with your daily life and health routines
Sagittarius – your 5th House so all to do with fun, romance, flirting, kids, creativity
Capricorn – your 4th House so all to do with developments re home and family
Aquarius – it’s your 3rd House so it’s about the way you think and express yourself
Pisces – it’s your 2nd House which is all about cash, property and possessions

Let’s talk about Venus…

Mercury, as already discussed, is actually in a slightly weird state at the start of April, moving from having been going backwards, to stalling to slowly but surely starting to pick up speed after the recent retrograde.
So let’s about Venus in the part of your chart mentioned above… what does it mean for you once Venus moves into Aries in the second half of April?

Click here for info about where Venus is for YOU, the hot Venus dates for April 2019 and the rest of your forecast!

Have a great month!


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