[Eclipse] Declutter Your Space, Declutter Your Mind: Preparing for Manifestation - Yasmin Boland
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Declutter Your Space, Declutter Your Mind: Preparing for Manifestation

Astrology is based on the idea of “as above, so below” … but a lot of people don’t know there is another part to that sentence which says “as within, so without…”

And indeed when it comes to magical matters like manifesting, the idea of “as within, so without…” also applies.

In a nutshell; when it comes to manifesting, our physical surroundings matter because they mirror our internal state.

The clutter crowding our homes can also clutter our minds, forming unseen barriers to the flow of positive energy and abundance.

As we approach the April 8 New Moon eclipse, a time ripe for setting intentions and embracing beginnings, decluttering becomes not just a chore, but a sacred act of making space for our desires to manifest.

The Link Between Physical and Mental Clutter

My fellow Hay House author Denise Linn, an esteemed spiritual teacher, beautifully articulates the connection between our environments and our inner worlds. She says: “Clutter is not just physical stuff. It’s old ideas, toxic relationships, and bad habits. Clutter is anything that does not support your better self…”

This perspective invites us to view decluttering as a holistic cleanse, paving the way for clarity, focus, and manifestation.

Similarly, my old friend and colleague Karen Kingston, author of “Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui,” further emphasizes that clutter can stagnate not only our homes but our lives. It’s as if our unattended items hold pieces of our attention hostage, leaving less energy for focusing on our goals and dreams.

Tips for Decluttering Your Space and Mind

  • Start Small: The task of decluttering can feel overwhelming. Begin with a single drawer or shelf. The sense of accomplishment from clearing a small area can motivate you to tackle larger ones.
  • Create a Manifestation Corner: Dedicate a space in your home for manifesting. This could be a small table or a corner of a room where you place items that inspire you, such as crystals, vision boards, or symbols of your goals. Keeping this area clean and organized sets a powerful intention for manifesting.
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  • Let Go with Gratitude: As you declutter, hold each item and thank it for its service to you, whether it taught you a lesson or brought you joy. Releasing items with gratitude rather than guilt frees up emotional space and honors the energy exchange between you and your possessions.
  • Digital Declutter: Our digital lives need decluttering too. Unsubscribe from emails that no longer serve you, organize your files, and clear your desktop. A clean digital workspace can improve focus and productivity.
  • Regular Check-ins: Decluttering is not a one-time act but a continual process. Regularly review your space and mind for items, thoughts, or habits that no longer serve your highest good. This ongoing practice keeps your energy and manifesting abilities sharp.

The Manifesting Power of a Decluttered Space

A decluttered space is a manifesting powerhouse. It symbolizes your readiness to receive and your commitment to your goals.

As Karen Kingston puts it, “Clutter clearing is modern-day alchemy.” Indeed, transforming our physical and mental spaces can lead to profound changes in our lives.

In the spirit of the New Moon eclipse, declutter with intention.

By creating spaces that reflect your desires and aspirations, we align more closely with the energies of manifestation.

Let the clearing of clutter be your invitation to the universe, signaling that you are ready for abundance, ready for transformation, and ready to welcome your dreams into reality.

As we clear our spaces and minds, we open the channels for creativity, inspiration, and positive energy to flow freely. This eclipse season, embrace decluttering as a ritual in your manifesting practice, and watch as the magic unfolds in your life.

Want to know more?

If you’re intrigued by the idea of manifesting as we approach the New Moon eclipse on April 8, I have something special for you. I’ve created a FREE half-hour video that’s exactly what you need to get ready to make magic at the New Moon eclipse. It’s less about physical decluttering and more about energetic tricks to get ready for the eclipse.

It’s designed to ensure you’re in the best possible spiritual space to manifest your desires.

So this is your invitation to deepen your understanding and practice of manifestation in alignment with the lunar cycles.

Whether you’re new to Moonology or looking to refine your existing practice, this video offers insights, tips, and rituals to empower your manifesting journey.

Grab this opportunity to connect with the cosmic energies and unlock your manifesting potential.

Click here to access the free video and start your journey towards powerful manifestation at the New Moon eclipse. Let’s embrace this transformative time together and open our hearts to the abundance the universe has to offer.

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