Aquarius Weekly Horoscope – 03 August 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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Mercury in your opposite sign gets a poke in the eye from your ruler Uranus so you can expect your partner and/or your family to be a little more scattered today or not as sanguine. It’s almost as if they can’t multitask or they’re just so much more easily distracted. Technology loses its lustre a little and you might replace endless scrolling with something more old-fashioned or wholesome like an actual book or making a cake. Stranger things have happened when your ruling planet plays a starring role.
Working with the Moon through the eclipses is the best thing you can do to stay on an even keel as the energy builds. Join the (free!) Moon Lite Collective and get a wealth of free Moon info which will help you strengthen your ability to create a magical life. For real! It’s here.

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