Navigating Mercury Retrograde in Aries: Your Guide to a Fresh Start - Yasmin Boland
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So we appear to have survived the eclipse – there will be changes ahead for many of us though, as a result. And for others? It’s a time to look back, for second chances and redos. Because at the same time as we’ve had the eclipses, as you might know, Mercury is also going backwards!

Let’s dive in…

Navigating Mercury Retrograde in Aries: Your Guide to a Fresh Start

Mercury retrograde has a bit of a reputation, doesn’t it? We hear “Mercury is in retrograde,” and suddenly, we’re bracing for communication mishaps and travel delays. But when Mercury retrogrades in Aries, it’s not all cautionary tales. In fact, it’s a fantastic opportunity to press the pause button, rethink our paths, and make some much-needed adjustments. Let’s dive into how we can use this time to our advantage, shall we?

It’s Time for a Breather

Think of Mercury retrograde in Aries as a little nudge from the universe saying, “Hey, slow down for a sec.” Aries, with its fiery energy, is always ready to sprint forward. But during this retrograde, we’re encouraged to take a step back and really look at where we’re heading. Are we racing in the right direction, or are we just racing? Now is the perfect moment to catch your breath and make sure your actions truly align with your heart’s desires.

Question Everything (In a Good Way)

Mercury retrograde is famously a time to review, revisit, and redo. With Aries’ influence, it’s particularly potent for questioning our motivations, desires, and even our identity. Who are you, and who do you want to be? Are there habits or beliefs holding you back from being that person? This isn’t about doubting yourself—it’s about getting to know yourself on a deeper level.

Spruce Things Up

Here’s where the fun begins. Once you’ve taken stock of where you are and where you want to be, it’s time to make some changes. This could mean tweaking your daily routines, refreshing your goals, or even changing your approach to how you tackle challenges. Aries is all about action, so use this retrograde period to fine-tune your plans. Think of it as spring cleaning for your life!

A Little Patience Goes a Long Way

Remember, retrogrades can make things a bit wonky, especially when it comes to communication. Be patient with yourself and others. Misunderstandings may arise, but they also give you a chance to practice patience and compassion—qualities that Aries might overlook in its rush forward.

In essence, Mercury retrograde in Aries isn’t a cosmic curse—it’s a golden opportunity for introspection and intentional change. Use this time to reflect on your path, reconsider your choices, and realign with your truest desires. With a bit of patience and a lot of self-love, you can turn this period into a powerful time of transformation. So, let’s embrace this retrograde as the valuable pause it is, and come out the other side refreshed and ready to take on the world.

So why does Mercury retrograde have such a bad reputation?

Can you use it to your BENEFIT instead?

When you’re new to working with the planets, it can be tough to know how to work with Mercury retrograde!

That’s why I created this simple but powerful Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide.

It will help you to connect with this cycle in a WHOLE NEW WAY that allows you to use it to your benefit – up to four times a year.

Get your free info from someone who knows what the heck they’re talking about!

You will see that far from dreading Mercury retrograde, you can start to use it to create the life of your dreams, to get second chances and to create SUCCESSFUL do-overs in life.

Click here for your free Surviving Mercury Retrograde guide from the astrologer who wrote the book on it!

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