What Deepak Chopra told me about manifesting - Yasmin Boland
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Many years ago, I was lucky enough to interview Deepak Chopra.

I had about three hours with him. Honestly, my life completely changed afterwards.

I feel like he sort of rewired my brain somehow.

It was back in the days when I was a journalist and I was interviewing him because he was coming to Australia.

One thing he taught me which was so interesting was that anybody can manifest.

He said he had better results with manifesting because he really believed in it. But he more or less said anybody can manifest, they just have to believe.

So it’s a myth that people have that some people are better at manifesting than others.

Actually, people say to me all the time that I’m such a good manifester. And I am actually a pretty good manifester. But it’s not because I’m more spiritually gifted or anything like that.

It’s because I really believe.

Part of the reason why I believe is because I’ve been working with Moonology and manifesting for more than 20 years now.

I’ve seen amazing results and I know that it’s true.

Thoughts really do become things. We really can manifest. New Moon wishing really works.

So bear all that in mind as we head towards the New Moon eclipse on April 8.

One of the most important things you can do before the eclipse is release negativity and self doubt.

In fact, it’s so important I’ve created a free half hour video for anybody who wants to just let it all go.

Let it go and make space for what you actually want to attract into your life.

Like I said, it’s free, it’s half an hour and you can get it from moonmessages.com/greatusa

(I’m calling it “greatusa” because guess what? This eclipse will be visible from parts of the USA, Canada and Mexico – but it will affect all of us on planet Earth!

So do take a moment to watch the video! Click here to do that now…

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