Aquarius Daily Horoscope – 25 January 2022 - Yasmin Boland
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I knew someone, many Moons ago, from a different culture than mine. Their family was very tight-knit and not disenfranchised like my own. Their motto was, “everything for everyone and nothing for no one.” There was such a level of togetherness, but the contribution wasn’t always equal. Right now, you need some rest from the group effort mentality. If you need to withdraw, take a break or figure out some personal desires, then you have cosmic permission to do so.

So what are you focused on in life?

The Sun acts as a kind of spotlight as it goes around your chart and as you know, what you focus on is what you get. Want to focus on something better? Then you need to release the negative. I will help you do this for FREE in my Moonology Manifesting Challenge.

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