Virgo Daily Horoscope – 06 January 2022 - Yasmin Boland
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A last look at the year ahead…

Over the past few days I have run horoscopes about the year ahead, the overall outlook and about and so on. Today it’s about career in 2022. You can read more about all this in my eZine here.
Career If you feel stalled career-wise, think back to your childhood. What sort of messages did your parents give you about success? Were you lucky enough to be given a good attitude to making a go of life? If so, thank your lucky stars and your parents. However, if you grew up surrounded by people who put you down, use 2021 to heal this. You are not your parents. You can achieve great things.  
PS Want to manifest your dream life in 2022? Follow the Moon! Now on January 15 I be running a workshop about how to go that. Click here for info and tickets here.

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