Leo Daily Horoscope – 01 January 2022 - Yasmin Boland
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Happy new year!

May it be an amazing year for you! Today’s forecast gives you a taste of the happier times to come in the year ahead.
Relationships When it comes to all your most important relationships, what you sow is what you reap plus plus. Do as you would be done by and you won’t go too far wrong. But also try to accept that for one more year (and a bit) you’re being asked to be as selfless as you can be.
Career How exciting do you want things to be professionally? You have eclipse energy in your chart in 2022 so a total change is possible. Plus you have the radical change planet Uranus in your Career Zone as well, and you really do have the right set up for a total 2022 career turnaround.
Wellness You still have the detox planet Pluto in your Wellness Zone in 2022. In other words, the more you can take the rubbish out of your life, the better. That means decluttering your home (which can have a surprisingly powerful impact on your mental health).

My Year Ahead online workshop is tomorrow!

2022 is the year when we can all change our lives. The energies are so DIFFERENT to 2020 and 2021. Come to my Year Ahead workshop about 2022 TOMORROW – it’s FREE when you buy my Moonology Diary. I’ll show you how to make wishes that work. Click here.

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