Can oracle cards change your life? - Yasmin Boland
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Can you change your life with oracle cards?

If you’re having a tough time, oracle cards can literally be a life-saver.

A cousin of tarot cards but usually much kinder, oracle cards are the perfect self-help tool.

They allow us to find out what we are currently manifesting and to see what is likely to happen next as a result. And when life is tough, they come into their own.

But what if we could use oracle cards not just to divine our future, but to change it?

What if we actually can?!

Spoiler alert: I 100% know we can!

I’m running a 90 minute online workshop on October 16 in which I will argue that we can!

To get the most out of the workshop, bring your own deck of oracle cards!

October 16, 2021 – Saturday 11-12:30pm PDT – Online

Bookings and more info here.

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