Virgo Daily Horoscope – 08 September 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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Did you have a good New Moon?

We have just had the New Moon. Did you make the most of it? If not, click here to access my free New Moon ceremony.

Meanwhile, on Mars…

Hallelujah brothers and sisters! Mars is about to leave your sign. Now, hang on. When Mars entered your sign, didn’t I say this was a good thing? Well, yes, I most surely did. Mars is the most assertive of all the planets. It’s Mars that drives us towards success and towards doing What We Need To. Without Mars, nothing would get done. However, the downside is that Mars is a fiery energy and having him in your sign can be tiring at best and positively nerve-frazzling at worst. So if you’re feeling spent or frazzled, take heart, a change is going to come very soon. In the meantime, use the last of his energies to complete all your tasks. PS Are you into Moon manifesting? I have a new card deck for that! Just click here.

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