5 Years of Moonology – The Diary - Yasmin Boland
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The idea for the Moonology diary came from a reader. I was holding a course about the Moon at Alexandra Palace in London. At the end of it, one of the participants came up to me and said she absolutely loved the book but she would really like to have a kind of workbook that we could go with it.

That got me to thinking…

I knew that people were loving the book Moonology but of course not all full and New Moons are created exactly equally! Each one has their own peccadilloes!

As I thought about what this woman had said, I realised that in fact there was huge scope to help people to tune into every New and Full Moon in a whole new way, in a way that went totally complemented the original book.

I wanted to provide worksheets and exercises that people could do in order to take their Moon work deeper and their connexion higher.

I remember thinking about how it would work as a diary, to put all this information in there and updated every year. I was walking down a street in London, having just dropped my son at school. I decided to take my courage in my hands and ring the then commissioning editor at Hay House, the lovely Amy Kiberd.

Yasmin Diary 2021

The conversation was as simple as hey I was thinking it would be so cool to have a diary which looks at all the new and Full Moons of the year. It could be the perfect complement to the Moon ology book. Amy pretty much agreed on the spot she thought it was a great idea and a couple of days later I had to Commission from hey house.

I’ve been writing these Diaries since 2019 and they’ve sold out every year, showing me that women out there do want to work with the Moon in a really heartfelt way. Their passion inspires me. Writing the Moonology Diary every year feels like a privilege, and I love doing it.

Have you enjoyed working with your Moonology Diary? What elements of it do you find particularly effective? Let me know in the comments!

And thanks for joining me all week to celebrate five years of Moonology. I’ve really enjoyed reminiscing about all these wonderful Moonology memories and sharing them with you.

Yasmin Diary 2020

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