Capricorn Daily Horoscope – May 07 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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Today begins with the Moon in Pisces connecting to Neptune, the planet of dreams and imagination. This is a great time to let your mind rest and recuperate. However, this pocket of peace has a time limit and as the Moon moves into the more invigorating sign of Aries as the day goes by, you should feel more energetic and focused after the respite.
As difficult as it may be, don’t say anything about what is annoying you this morning. Try as you might, it will come out wrong and offend the more sensitive souls that you don’t need to be antagonising. Instead, take a nice deep breath, get a cup of what it takes to get you through and save it for the afternoon. If you can bite your tongue that long, you’ll have a clearer idea of the truth of the situation.

The Moon is a magical timer…

The Moon is a magical timer… Did you know that magical women and enlightened men are making magic every month with the mysterious Moon as their guide? Get started here in our (free) Moon Lite Collective here.

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