Capricorn Daily Horoscope – March 19 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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If you truly went after your dreams, what would that mean to you? What is your dream? What are your hopes for the future? You’ve been serious for a long time now. Not surprising, given what you’ve been through these last few years. Now though, you’re encouraged to go after what you deeply desire. Something you may not dared go after before. Maybe it’s a financial goal. Maybe it’s something you feel is out of your league. Either way, you have no hope in getting it until you believe you can.

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The easiest way to connect with the cosmos is to start by connecting to the Moon. She is free, available to everyone all over the world and can help you make magic. Join the (free!) Moon Lite Collective and get some amazing resources to help you on your journey here.

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