Libra Daily Horoscope – December 25 2020 - Yasmin Boland
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You are going to hit a bull’s eye in one way or another today, so make sure you give yourself time and space to enjoy it and to celebrate. This could be in the form of a great gift you receive, the perfect gift you’ve given, or it could be an emotional goal you score. Whatever it is, you deserve to really appreciate how perfect this is and to enjoy every minute of it. So, bask in the glory!

Seasons’ greetings! Want to manifest your ideal 2021?

Did you know that a mistake many people make when they start manifesting is that they do it at the wrong time? Big mistake! What you want to do is to do your manifesting and creative visualisation in the Waxing Cycle, especially in the 3 days after New Moon. That’s why when I created my New Moon Creative Visualisation Meditation, designed to help you tap right into those New Moon Vibes. It’s free when you buy my Moonology Diary 2021 from here

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