Virgo Daily Horoscope – December 21 2020 - Yasmin Boland
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And it’s ANOTHER very big day astrologically-speaking

As you might know, today we have what’s known as The Great Conjunction — it’s the meeting between Jupiter and Saturn which happens about once every 20 years. However it hasn’t happened in Aquarius since 1405 and they haven’t been exactly this close for 800 years!

Today’s forecast is all about what it means for you.

Read your Rising Sign to find out where luck is now going to be on your side for the coming year. If you don’t know your Rising Sign, find out for free here. If you want to know more about what a planet changing signs is all about, I did this broadcast about it. here

What does The Great Conjunction mean for you?

The Great Conjunction is happening in your 6th House

Expect challenges and rewards: when it comes to health, fitness and your sense of purpose in life.

A health crisis could either help you grow and leave you stronger or it could pile on the stress. Either way, trust your inner confidence to get you through it and don’t be afraid to lean on loved ones.

It’s a great year to get really fit. As with everything in life when Saturn and Jupiter are acting together, you’ll get big rewards for putting in the effort.

Overall, it’s a year to ask yourself important questions about what you want in life. Be disciplined. Saturn will not let you sugar-coat the answers, but Jupiter will give you the confidence to take a big leap.

Want more info?

I’ve created a super-simple but info-packed FREE mini-report as a PDF to give you more information about what this means for us all. The astrology we’re seeing now hasn’t been seen since 1405! Click here for your free report.

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