Pisces Daily Horoscope – May 23 2020 - Yasmin Boland
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Your daily stars

If there are family matters which you know you need to sort out but which you’ve been putting off, stop that right now! Mercury is nearing the end of his visit to your Fourth House of All Things Domestic, so you have only a week left of his help when it comes to sorting out issues related to home, your family, your parents, your actual house and to issues from your past, even back to your childhood, which you know you need nut out sooner rather than later. Get your talking hat on. Ditto if you have documents and agreements etc related to your home which need to be finalised.

Did you get your New Moon kit?

Every month brings a chance to set intentions and even make wishes that actually come true – but you have to know how. This free kit explains – and we are still in New Moon phase. Get it here!

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