Scorpio Daily Horoscope – April 10 2020 - Yasmin Boland
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Based on what I see on my Facebook feed, I’m predicting that when we come out of these quarantine period, there are going to be a lot more meditators, chanters and yoga lovers/do-ers! Are you one of them? Today sees a lovely link between Venus and the planetoid of healing, Chiron. It’s giving you the perfect chance to put some love and healing into your daily life. That’s one of the best things you can use this current cycle for. We are all off the hook of the mad merry go round of life at the moment. At least we are if we are not a key worker. (And if you’re a key worker reading this, thank you for your service. Think about what in your daily life you can do to help you heal as you go through this testing and challenging period.)

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