Is my luck going to change? Yes! - Yasmin Boland
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Hello there my fellow Star Gazer!

So the lucky planet Jupiter changed signs this week – can you feel it?

On one hand, I feel a ton more optimistic, which is very Jupiter. We feel any planet most when it changes signs, and Jupiter just changed signs, going from Sagittarius to Capricorn (which affects us all differently…)
On the other, I am a little nervous that I am going to make a big Jupiter mistake and get OVER excited about how great everything can be!
The thing with Jupiter is that he promises a TON. And he does deliver. But there is always his cohort Saturn to be taken into account.

So as we all embrace this new Jupiter cycle remember:

– stay realistic – don’t let expectations get exaggerated
– don’t blow things out of proportion
– be grateful (that will attract good things)
– do the hard work that needs to be done (so Saturn doesn’t whip your butt!)
– expect the best

Chant and be happy!

One of the best things to do now is to CHANT to Ganesha, the Hindu Elephant God. He is amazing, he helps us through the gnarliest times (and the times have been verging on very gnarly lately and it’s not over yet!) and he reminds us that the only way out is through!
Here’s a super-simply Ganesha mantra …

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha

It sounds like Om Gam Gana-pata-yay Nama-ha

I would love to connect you with Jupiter and your own good luck.

That was in fact the main reason that I held a Jupiter workshop in London this weekend just gone… it was great fun! (We chanted, we talked about luck and Jupiter and Ganesha, we studied and we meditated…)

Of course the big drawback with workshops is that not everyone can be there! So lately – largely due to people’s requests – we have taken to filming them, so people all over the world can watch them too, with more or less a front row seat. 🙂

The Jupiter Workshop is now online…

So if you would like to know (among other things) about

– Jupiter in 2020
– your good luck in the year ahead
– more about the chant (you will get to hear it)
– more about why Saturn and Pluto are also really important to this whole picture

I would love it if you would order the workshop recording (it’s about 2+ hours long and can be watched on any device). It’s here >

The workshop costs £19.98 or $38 AUD or $26 USD (that’s less than what it cost on the day…)

I’ve actually had lots of lovely feedback from attendees – here’s one kind note I received:

George and I want to tell you that we so enjoyed your Sunday workshop. Thank you for sharing part of your vast knowledge with us and for your enthusiasm about all things astrological. We gained so much insight from you!

I would love to hear what you think of the workshop in my private Facebook group here!

Speak soon.
Yasmin xo
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