August 2019 astro energy overview - Yasmin Boland
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Information about the month ahead for all the signs

Let’s talk about August’s two New Moons…

August 1 brings the New Moon in Leo. August 30 brings the New Moon in Virgo. So what does it all mean? Here are a few pointers:

– It means that in the month of August we have twice the chances to make set some intentions and make some wishes (though granted the second chance comes at the very end of the month!)

– It means that we have a chance to work on how fabulous we are (at the time of the New Moon in Leo) and how dutiful we are too (at the time of the New Moon in Virgo).

– It means that the New Moon in Virgo is officially called by the rather mysterious name of a “Black Moon”.

– Black Moons like this only happen about once every 32 months.

– Note that there are various definitions of a Black Moon and this is only one of them. The Black Moon can also refer to the part of the lunar cycle around New Moon when the Moon isn’t visible.

– Some people believe that a Black Moon is a time when spells and rituals are even more powerful and effective.

– Others believe they are so powerful they should not be messed with at all!

So what to do with this Black Moon?

In my humble opinion, a Black Moon is just as good a Moon as any for making wishes and sending your intentions out into the Universe – no more powerful and no less. Why? Because thinks of it like this; the Gregorian calendar we live by was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. In other words, it’s man-made. The Moon is a part of nature. The fact that two high-points of her current cycle (two New Moons) happen to be taking place within one single man-made calendar month doesn’t have much significance apart from that which is stated above – we have double the chances to make our New Moon wishes.

And PS …

If you’re wondering about the Full Moon this month, it’s in Aquarius on August 15. It’s going to provide us all with a really good chance to emotionally detach from something in the past which has hurt us. So where have you been wounded and are you prepared to let it go? The first alignment after the Full Moon is between Mercury (communications) and Chiron (healing) which suggests that if you want to turn the corner emotionally, then 1. Talk something through or 2. Write about it.

How to…

One of my favourite ways of tuning into the cosmos and something you can do on the night of the Full Moon is to unroll your yoga mat if you have one, place a statuette or photo of your favourite angel or God or Goddess (could be Jesus, Mary, Kuan Yin, Ganesha… anyone you resonate with), light a candle, put on some beautiful music (I highly recommend Aussies Edo & Jo on iTunes) and then…? Just do some simple stretches or asanas, sit quietly and … see what comes up. Write it down. It’s a powerful process.

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