Aquarius Daily Horoscope – July 13 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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You might have heard about the fortunate influence of Jupiter’s rare cycle through your luck sector this year. If at this point in time, you’ve felt more deflated than inflated, then take heart. Jupiter has been testing you about how much you really want what you wish for. Jupiter is about to turn the tide after a long retrograde phase, and finally, it looks like your ship may come in. If you’ve lost sight of the shore, then then spend some time today visualising how benevolent life may look by the end of the year.
Yasmin Boland is on holidays. Today’s forecast was written by Cassandra Tyndall

Do you want the good news or the great news?

The good news is that it’s nearly Full Moon eclipse time. The great news is that it’s the most AMAZING TIME to surrender and when you surrender, life changes in incredible ways. Click here for the free tools I’ve amassed to help you with it all.

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