COSMIC COLUMN February 24 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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One thing that we are taught all the time in the so-called “new age” is to meditate. A lot. So do you do that?

If you’re one of the people who thinks they can’t meditate because your thoughts race, I would like to tell you about a man called William Bloom. He’s a modern mystic, a meditation teacher, author and Fellow of the incredible Findhorn Foundation, the UK’s leading eco-spirituality centre. I did a workshop with him recently and he more or less taught me I’ve been meditating all wrong (for the past 20 years!)

Whereas I was taught that the aim of meditation is to totally clear your mind, to start with a mantra which you “lose” once you “slip into the gap” William Bloom teaches that any meditation is a good meditation, be it mantra, silent, one where you work through your chakras by colour, one where you chant or visualise or do pretty much anything else which feels appropriate.

So does that mean that all these people who say “I meditate when I walk/swim/do the dishes” are right? Are they really meditating? Presumably yes! That would come under “moving meditation”. I am going to have William Bloom on my Hay House radio show next month so tune in, if you’re interested.

And this week? As we move through the waning cycle towards the New Moon, give meditation another go. If you can’t go “silent” in your mind, chant the mantra “om”

silently or out loud, or chant the word “peace” or just sit an breathe and notice your thoughts.

One of my favourite ways to meditate is to put my headphones on and listen to some spiritual music such as Meditative Mind on YouTube (no affiliation!) and just focus on my breath and, now that I have William Bloom’s permission, allow my mind to wander, and especially to think good thoughts that make me feel good.

Give it a go this week. There could be financial and emotional ups and down, as Venus clashes with Uranus on Friday but this is the time to surrender, remember.

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